"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

- Oscar Wilde

Adrienne has been an actor in the Bay Area for the past 40 years. She is a member of Actor's Equity Association. Her credits include Center Rep, Berkeley Rep, SF Playhouse, PlayGround, Magic Theatre, A.C.T. (guest artist in M.F.A. production), New Conservatory Theatre, Town Hall Theatre, Boxcar Theatre, San Francisco Fringe Festival and Theatre Rhinoceros, among others.

Adrienne is a graduate of Vassar College and the National Theatre Institute, and is also a classically trained pianist who studied at the New England Conservatory of Music preparatory school. Offstage, Adrienne continues to use her acting skills in her work at Stanford, UCSF and other med schools as a standardized patient, where she portrays patients with a specific medical history, symptom or concern in role play with med school students. Through other programs, she works with ER and palliative care doctors, social workers, psychiatrists, police officers, and attorneys. She also trains other actors in this work which fosters effective and compassionate communication.

Dream of a Common Language"Adrienne Krug is arguably the most delightful character in the show. Krug is most convincing in her portrayal of a self-realized, transcendent woman who never knew her true value until she found it in herself. Krug…[deserves] credit for this fine artistic achievement in developing a character."--Jeffrey R. Smith, East Bay Times

Dream of a Common Language

"Adrienne Krug is arguably the most delightful character in the show. Krug is most convincing in her portrayal of a self-realized, transcendent woman who never knew her true value until she found it in herself. Krug…[deserves] credit for this fine artistic achievement in developing a character."

--Jeffrey R. Smith, East Bay Times

The War at Home"Adrienne Krug (Dinah) is funny and heartbreaking. It's a brilliant performance that will stay with you for weeks."--Lee Hartgrave, Beyond Chron

The War at Home

"Adrienne Krug (Dinah) is funny and heartbreaking. It's a brilliant performance that will stay with you for weeks."

--Lee Hartgrave, Beyond Chron

Present Laughter"The adorable Adrienne Krug plays the amusing housekeeper Miss Erikson who constantly dusts the furniture while chain smoking. Krug has classic comic timing."--Vince Mediaa, VMediArts

Present Laughter

"The adorable Adrienne Krug plays the amusing housekeeper Miss Erikson who constantly dusts the furniture while chain smoking. Krug has classic comic timing."

--Vince Mediaa, VMediArts

Death of a Salesman"The acting is first-rate as well. The production attracted a remarkably talented array of actors, particular Stauffer and Krug, who create characters deliciously flawed and human."--Pat Craig, Contra Costa Times

Death of a Salesman

"The acting is first-rate as well. The production attracted a remarkably talented array of actors, particular Stauffer and Krug, who create characters deliciously flawed and human."

--Pat Craig, Contra Costa Times

Sylvia"Adrienne Krug, as Kate, brings some subtlety to a basically one-note supporting role…Kate is a scold, but Krug keeps her from growing too cold for comfort."--Dan Taylor, The Press Democrat


"Adrienne Krug, as Kate, brings some subtlety to a basically one-note supporting role…Kate is a scold, but Krug keeps her from growing too cold for comfort."

--Dan Taylor, The Press Democrat

Past Perfect"All the actors were good, but Adrienne Krug stands out with a subtly stunning portrayal of family matriarch Dina Dunham."--Eric Jansen, Out in the Bay

Past Perfect

"All the actors were good, but Adrienne Krug stands out with a subtly stunning portrayal of family matriarch Dina Dunham."

--Eric Jansen, Out in the Bay

True West"And in an 11th-hour appearance, the wonderful Adrienne Krug displays the stunned, long-time suffering of a worn-down Mom."--Tom Kelly, San Francisco Bay Times

True West

"And in an 11th-hour appearance, the wonderful Adrienne Krug displays the stunned, long-time suffering of a worn-down Mom."

--Tom Kelly, San Francisco Bay Times